
Convert an MSP file representing one or more Mass Spectra to a NIST MS Search user library.

Docker must be installed to use this program.


msp2lib [-h] [input_file] [output_dir]


Convert an MSP file representing one or more Mass Spectra to a NIST MS Search user library.

positional arguments:


The path of the MSP file to be converted into a NIST User Library.


The path to the directory to save the output library in. If unspecified the current working directory is used instead.

optional arguments:

-h, –help

Show usage information and exit.


Show the version number and exit.


Download the docker image now rather than at first run, then exit. This can also be used to update the docker image.


Build the docker image from the Dockerfile, then exit. This can be useful when installing offline.


msp2lib spectra/example.msp output/

Convert the file example.msp in the directory spectra to a library, which is saved in the directory output.


Before installing msp2lib, ensure you have a working Docker installation. For more information visit for more information.

msp2lib can then be installed with pip:

$ pip install msp2lib

Once installed, msp2lib can be run by typing:

$ msp2lib

If msp2lib is not installed in a directory in $PATH, you may need to add ~/.local/bin/ to your $PATH.

Reporting Bugs

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